Monday, January 5, 2009

Rishi Agastya And Lopamudra



According to a legend, Tierncen's origin goes back to a remote past. Moses visited it. Solomon stayed in it. Egyptian sorcerers, skilled in witchcraft, made it their chosen town. "
The greatest spiritual sages in India have always been careful in selecting the site which was to become the SEAT of their attainment. Pavitra told me that the renowned French archeologist Jouveau-Dubreuil found evidence that it was on the exact spot where the great Rishi Agastya and his spouse Lopamudra had made their arduous endeavour of digging through to the "Sun dwelling in the darkness" that Sri Aurobindo and Mother established THEIR seat. Thus the work begun in the Vedic times saw its completion -- and more -- in this twentieth century.

"Sr Aurobindo and The Mother took up the the work of the great rishis Agastya and Lopamudra to transform the "7 hells" and life on Mother Earth.."

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