Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Descent Of the Supramental

29 February 1956
"This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.

"As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that "the time has come", and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.

"Lord, Thou hast willed, and I execute,

A new light breaks upon the earth,

A new world is born,

The things that were promised are fulfilled.

"The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise but a living fact, a reality.

"It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it."

"the iron age ended on 29th february 1956..it's the day when the new golden age begun..as prophesised by ancient sages,rishis,avatars,vibuthis,messengers of GOD.."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Truth shall prevail.