1914 Apr-1915 Feb Finds even the poor, lowly and unlettered Indians spiritually receptive....
Experiences a descent of Power on touching the feet of Sri Aurobindo; considers it the true significance of pranam.
Sees a vision 'in which four beings appeared at the four comers of an immense plateau' and spoke to her. Sri Aurobindo identifies them as the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Bhaga and Aryaman. Visited by an artist friend, Johannes Hohlenberg, who takes a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile and also paints his portrait in oil.
Experiences a descent of Power on touching the feet of Sri Aurobindo; considers it the true significance of pranam.
Sees a vision 'in which four beings appeared at the four comers of an immense plateau' and spoke to her. Sri Aurobindo identifies them as the Vedic Gods Mitra, Varuna, Bhaga and Aryaman. Visited by an artist friend, Johannes Hohlenberg, who takes a photograph of Sri Aurobindo in standing profile and also paints his portrait in oil.
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