Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Why Jim Rogers Hates Investing In India

Among the three emerging nations, Russia, India and China, which one would you rate first as an investment destination?
• China, of course.
Why not India? Can you compare China with India?
• Indians have the worst bureaucracy in the world. India learned bureaucracy from the British. Indian bureaucracy has remained stagnant. Just stagnant. They do what they think only. There is no proper education, no infrastructure in India. It is the most wonderful country in the world. I admire India’s diversity. I tell my friends, if you can only visit one country in your life time, go to India. India is an amazing country.
But as a place for investment?
Oh, no, I would think twice. Even Indians who have been doing great business elsewhere in the world, and when they go back to India to do business, it has not been a good experience for them. Many of them get out of the business and go back to other countries to do more
Water is bigger issue than inflation for India: Jim Rogers

n an interview with ET Now, investment guru Jim Rogers says that water problem is a bigger issue than inflation for India and it should also invest in infrastructure.
As an investor, would you say that the biggest risk in India today is inflation?
No. The more serious risk in India is the huge water problem that northern India has. If they do not do something about the water problem, then there would not be an India story at all but inflation is certainly one of the problems that India is facing.
It is interesting that you mentioned agriculture and also water because farm productivity is stagnant in India and now the government is getting seriously worried about it. What is the recipe?
I am happy that they are getting seriously worried about it after 50 years or 60 years or whatever it has been, but India should be one of the most productive agriculture nations in the world. You have got the land, you have got the soil, you have got the weather, everything is right for India and yet, there are so many regulations and it is almost impossible for Indian farmers to produce much less to compete with the rest of the world. Thousands of Indian farmers commit suicide every year because they cannot make a living and yet in India you should be putting America to shame with your agriculture production instead of sitting and importing food.
What is your view on Indian equities? Do you still like Sri Lanka and China better?
I am not buying either China or Sri Lanka at the moment. I am not buying equities anywhere at the moment because there had been such big run ups and cheers all over the world that I am just sitting and watching. Normally, when you have big booms over a 10- or 12-month period, it is time to sit back and do something else. So, I do not like to jump in the things after shares have gone up a lot.
Did you participate in equity markets in 2009?
Yes. I owned a lot of the Chinese shares which I bought in October-November of 2008 that was my main play and then commodities so that has been my main play. China, as you probably know, was one of the two or three best markets in the world.
What you make of the credit binge in China? Do you think that it is at all sustainable? What is the end game there?
It is not sustainable. They have been cranking out credit as fast as they possibly can, that too is always release the problems down the road. Now, China has made some mistakes. One, they are pumping out credit at a very rapid rate. Prices are starting to go up for real estate. In my view, the real estate bubbles are developing in Shanghai

read more here
India's Fiscal Time Bomb

The finance minister has changed the direction of India’s budget deficit by reducing the target for 2010-11 to 5.5 percent.
You really believe it will happen? Go back over the years and see their previous claims.
He has got a lot of praise for that in India. Still you are not impressed. Why?
Even if it happens, it is not being done by sound budgeting. It is from selling off the family jewels if it happens.
Don’t you think a high deficit was justified last year when the government had to spend and help the economy revive?
No. They are just trying to push the problems out into the future rather than solving the underlying problems. Do you really think the solution for a problem of too much debt and too much consumption is more debt and more consumption?
Are we not living in extraordinary times when we have to follow such flexible policies?
We are indeed. They are making the problems worse in extraordinary times which require tough measures to correct decades of abuse.
The finance minister rolled back some of the economic stimulus measures he had announced last year. Would you have preferred to see a complete rollback than a partial one?
Yes. And more.
If you were to set an agenda for the government, what would that be?
Cut spending and subsidies dramatically. Many studies have shown that countries start having serious growth problems when debt is 90 percent of GDP (gross domestic product). India is now [at] 80 percent and will be [at] 90 percent soon under this budget. The subsidies distort the economy in less productive areas.
Did you see any reform measure in the budget?
I see some words for some small steps in retailing and energy. We will see.
India doesn’t have a convertible currency. Neither does China. You have backed China in the past but not India. Why?
I have pointed out scores of times that China is mistaken having a blocked currency. What is wrong with you?
No country has ever become a world player or even a significant economy with a blocked currency.
Some specific global lessons or examples that India can adopt from other countries such as China?
Open your borders to foreign capital and brains. For example, foreigners cannot enter retailing in India, but Wal-Mart etc. are all over China. Your politicians close down free commodity markets every time prices rise as if the markets were making the prices rise!
Farmers can own only very, very small farms so India cannot compete on the world stage, yet India should be one of the great agriculture nations of the world.
What will it take to get you to invest in India?
Some sense of 21st Century reality. Open the economy such as retailing, energy, agriculture, etc. Make the currency fully convertible.
What are the lost opportunities in the budget, according to you?
The same things I just mentioned. Likewise why not start reducing the gigantic debt if things really “are getting better” as he claims?
You have watched India for a long time. Where do you think the country will go from here?
Continue muddling along until the reality of the huge debt to GNP hits home and stops things.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sunil Bhattacharya
" is wonderful! Music itself pure and high and strong... It is delightful and leaves you waiting and wanting to hear more... It is beautiful, very beautiful..."
"...this music opens the doors of the future and reproduces admirably the musical vibrations of the higher regions."
In 1966, the Mother asked Sunil to set her readings from Sri Aurobindo's epic masterpiece Savitri to music. She wrote to him, "Toi seul peut faire cette musique comme il convient." (You alone can do this music as it should be done). Continuously for over thirty years, this music was Sunil's preoccupation and labor.
" is wonderful! Music itself pure and high and strong... It is delightful and leaves you waiting and wanting to hear more... It is beautiful, very beautiful..."
"...this music opens the doors of the future and reproduces admirably the musical vibrations of the higher regions."
"Oh not just once but very often, while listening to his music, a door is immediately opened onto the region of universal harmony, where you hear the origin of Sounds, and with an extraordinary emotion and intensity, something that pulls you out of yourself. It's the first time I've had this while listening to music — I myself have it when I am all alone. But I never had it while listening to music, It's always something much closer to the earth. Here, it is something very high, but very universal, and with a tremendous power. A creative power. Well, his music opens the door..."
The Mother
In the mid-sixties, the Delhi Music Archives approached Sunil for recordings of his music and asked him to say something about it. The following message was recorded in his voice and subsequently broadcast on All India Radio:
"Some twenty years ago I heard for the first time, the Mother of our Ashram improvising on the organ. In the beginning, the music seemed strange to me. It was neither Indian nor Western, or shall I say it sounded like both Western and Indian to my ears? The theme she was playing came very close to what we know as Bhairon, the whole closely knit musical structure expanding melodiously. Then suddenly, notes came surging up in battalions, piled one on top of another, deep, insistent, coming as if from a long way down and welling up inevitably, the magnificent body of sound formed and gathered volume till it burst into an illumination that made the music an experience.
Thus She revealed to me the secret of a magic world of music where harmonies meet and blend to make melodies richer, wider, profounder and infinitely more powerful. I have tried to take my music from Her.
My music is my labour and my aspiration for the Divine and what I try to convey through it are voices of my inner experience.
My grateful thoughts are with Her who has been my Guide, Guru, Mentor and Mother. One day it was Her Light that sparked my heart, it is Her Light that has sustained its glow, it is Her Light that I seek through my music. If this music brings some comfort, some delight or some message to someone, I have achieved that for which She has placed Her trust in me."
Monday, April 5, 2010
Kali The Divine Warrior
Excerpt frm Dr.Vp.Varma's "The Political Philosphy Of Sri Aurobindo"
Friday, April 2, 2010
Sri Aurobindo's Contact With Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Aurobindo never met Ramakrishna Paramahansa in physical life but he did gain contact through the occult planes with the latter as is adduced from various written works. For example, Sri Aurobindo notes in his journal Record of Yoga three instances when he received messages from Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
The first message was in Baroda, the “Arabindo, mandir karo, mandir karo”, (Aurobindo, build a temple) & the parable of the snake Pravritti devouring herself.
The second was given in Shankar Chetti’s house soon after the arrival in Pondicherry, & the words are lost, but it was a direction to form the higher being in the lower self coupled with a promise to speak once more when the sadhan was nearing its close.
This is the third message (18 Oct 1912)
“Make complete sannyasa(renunciation) of Karma.
Make complete sannyasa of thought.
Make complete sannyasa of feeling.
This is my last utterance.”
- Record of Yoga, p 128
During talks with various disciples, Sri Aurobindo discussed how his first occult contact with Ramakrishna Paramahansa spurred him to take up Yoga in earnest:
“Barin at that time was trying some automatic writing. (…) On another occasion a spirit purporting to be that of Ramakrishna came and simply said, “Build a temple.” At that time we were planning to build a temple for political Sannyasis and call it Bhawani Mandir. We thought he meant that, but later I understood it as “Make a temple within.” This gave me the final push to Yoga. I thought: great men could not have been after a chimera, and if there was such a more-than-human power why not get it and use it for action?”
- Nirodbaran, Talks with Sri Aurobindo, 5th Jan 1939
Sri Aurobindo also mentioned this occult guidance in a letter that he sent to Motilal Roy dated Aug 1912 :
“Remember also that we derive from Ramakrishna. For myself it was Ramakrishna who personally came & first turned me to this Yoga. Vivekananda in the Alipore jail (again, not physically but in the occult plane) gave me the foundations of that knowledge which is the basis of our sadhana”
Ramakrishna's Vision Of Prophet Mohammad

However, while Ramakrishna taught that all spiritual paths lead to the same goal, the realization of Ultimate Consciousness, he never implied that we should ignore the diversity of spiritual moods and their contrasting cultural expression. Each path or sacred tradition has its own appropriated modes of contemplation, the integrity of which should be respected. When Ramakrishna practiced the constant praise of Allah, into which he was initiated by a wandering Sufi master, he would not enter the Kali temple. After three days of continual absorption in the holy name of Allah, Ramakrishna experienced a vision of the Prophet Mohammed, whose radiant form blended with his own and both were revealed as the radiance of ultimate consciousness. Ramakrishna experienced a similar communion with the transcendental form of Jesus following days of continuous Christ-centered contemplation....source& read more here
see also vedanta of southern california