There's a fellow (he's neither young nor old)
who has been living for twenty-five straight years at one of the sources
of the Ganges, in a small cave carved into the mountainside – a tiny,
bare space, an earth floor and a tiger skin. He sits on the tiger skin
stark naked, without a stitch, naked as a newborn babe, in the dead of
winter as well as in summer – outside everything is covered with snow.
He eats... sometimes passers-by bring him fruit, which he dries in the
sun, then puts into water and drinks. That's all. He hasn't once left
there in twenty-five years.
One of our children, V., a courageous boy, went
up there all by himself. In winter it's completely isolated, there's
nothing nearby. It was May and still frightfully cold, it seems, snow
still covered the ground. And the man was sitting there stark naked as
though it were perfectly natural! He even asked the boy, “Do you want to
spend the night here?...” That was a bit too much!
Anyway, V. went there, sat down next to him,
and after a while the man went into a sort of trance and began to tell
V. about his life (the boy's life, not his own!). So V. was interested
and wanted to know more. “Where do I come from?” he asked. The man
answered, “Oh, from an ashram by the sea... the sea is there.” Then he
began to speak (I must mention that outwardly he knew nothing about Sri
Aurobindo or me or the Ashram, absolutely nothing at all), and he told
V. that a “great sage” and “the Mother” were there, and that they wanted
to do something on earth that

had never been done before – something very difficult. Then, I don't
know whether he mentioned I was alone now (I have no idea), but he said,
“Oh, she has had to withdraw2
because the people around her don't understand and... life there has
become very difficult. It will be very difficult until 1964.”

Perhaps he was reading the boy's mind (I don't
know), but not his conscious mind. And he said several times, “They want
to do something that has never been done before, it's very difficult –
very difficult – and that's why they came, to do that.”
I learned about this two days ago. It interested me: “Something never done before, something entirely new.” 3
There were many other things, but it seems he
speaks a particular Hindi which is very hard to understand. But this was
quite clear, and he said it several times.
It interested me.
And that's really it, that's what Sri Aurobindo
came for, and what I came for. And that's what was present above my
head when I was quite young: something new and very difficult (Mother smiles). Very difficult.
It seems he said that if we could make it to
1964, afterwards the difficulties would disappear. (But this is a very
strong formation – what did he pick up? Is it Sri Aurobindo's formation?
Is it the boy's thought, or what?...) But he's a wonderful mind-reader;
he must have a marvelous power of vision in the mental world.
It really amused me. If you asked... if you
asked people here, not too many would have such a clear idea: “They have
come to do something entirely new and very difficult.”
It's lovely.
Voilà, petit.